Pace of Play Policy

"Remember, your obligation is not to just STAY AHEAD of the group behind you. It is to KEEP UP with the group ahead of you."

All players are required to maintain Pace of Play by keeping up with the group in front.

You are expected to complete your round in a maximum of 4 hours 24 minutes.

You are out of position with the group in front if you are more than 14 minutes behind.

If you are behind time and out of position you will be warned and asked to close the gap. If you fail to do so within a few holes you will be required to skip a portion of the golf course to get back in position.

Report slow play issues as soon as they are evident to a Ranger or Golf Shop.

Play the Tee Markers that correspond to your skill level.

Please Play Ready Golf.

Close the Gaps!

Ready to Reserve your Tee Time?
