Supporters of Oak Hills Park

Did you know that Oak Hills Park has a Supporters 501(c)3 where you can donate to help support the park? Oak Hills Park provides recreation and enjoyment for thousands in the community who like to play golf or tennis, or just commune with nature, and it has an ongoing need for contributions toward capital improvements and programs.

Supporters of Oak Hills Park is a 501(c)3 nonprofit established in 2018 by several former OHPA members to serve as a conduit for people to donate to the park for everything from park improvements to programs. It is an independent organization with its own Board of Directors that works in conjunction with the Oak Hills Park Authority. We now have our own web site at that can be used for information and your personal donations.

To date the Supporters nonprofit has received generous donations to help with the following projects:

  1. Fund improvements to the restaurant including the creation of the Welcome Center, renovation of the restaurant lobby, and installation of a new boiler
  2. Fund improvements to the main pump house
  3. Fund plantings for the fountain garden
  4. Fund renovations for the 9th Hole Concession stand
  5. Fund opening expenses for the 2021 golf season
  6. Fund paving work is done on the 5th and 6th hole cart path

Current projects needing your assistance are:

  1. Renovation and Construction of new restrooms at the first tee and at the 9th hole concession
  2. Construction of steps at the end-point of the nature trail (natural materials such as wood ties and gravel)
  3. Durable markers to identify plants, trees, and wildlife along the woodland trails
  4. Plants/seeds, materials, and light equipment to install and maintain native plantings
  5. Rustic benches for the “gathering circle” for school kids and other groups to meet
  6. Restoration of fencing around the tennis courts
  7. Repave existing cart paths and install new ones

To bring these projects to fruition, we need your donations. Please visit and make a contribution toward the future of Oak Hills Park. You can designate your donation for Golf, Tennis, or Nature Projects; undesignated contributions will be used where the need is greatest. You can use your credit card or PayPal. You will receive a receipt confirming your donation to be used when filing your taxes.

We are deeply grateful for the generosity of all who have donated, and hope you will make a contribution today. Thank you for your support!

With best wishes for the 2021 season,
Supporters of Oak Hills Park
